
Dim Rs,Newrss
Class Rss
'作者 : 飞飞
'网站 :
'QQ  :  276230416
'邮箱 :
'SetConn          必填      网站使用的Connection对象
'SetSql          必填      Sql查询语句。强烈建议使用在Sql语句中使用Top关键字
'        Sql语句中包含的字段[新闻Id,标题,内容,时间,静态页名称]
'                            注:不要颠倒顺序      
'                            如果新闻不是生成的静态页,则无最后一项,SetPageType的值则为1
'SetWebName      必填      网站名称          
'SetWebUrl        必填      网站的地址
'SetWebDes        非必填    网站的描述信息
'SetPageType      必填      信息显示页的链接类型 1 为动态页面Id  0为静态页面
'SetMaxInfo      非必填    强制显示信息的数目,若取数据>SetMaxInfo 则显示SetMaxInfo条数据。强烈建议使用在Sql语句中使用Top关键字
'setContentShow  非必填    信息简介设置。注意:该参数为数组(ShowContentType,ShowContentLen)
'                                    ShowContentType  [数字类型]    为内容显示方式[参数(0,1)0为按百分比就算显示信息,1为按字数]    
'                                    ShowContentLen  内容显示的长度 由ShowContentType 决定实际长度
'ShowRss  显示Rss
'Set NewRss=New Rss
' Set NewRss.SetConn=article_conn
' NewRss.SetSql="select top 30 newsid,title,content,dateandtime,N_fname from article where typeid=1 order by newsid Desc"
' NewRss.SetWebName="测试中"
' NewRss.SetWebUrl=""
' NewRss.SetMaxInfo=10
' NewRss.SetInfourl=""
' NewRss.SetPageType="0"
' NewRss.setContentShow="1,200"
' NewRss.ShowRss()
'Set NewRss=Nothing

Private Conn,Sql,WebName,WebUrl,WebDes,Er,MaxInfo,i,Infourl,PageType
Private ShowContentType,ShowContentLen
Private AllContent,AllContentLen

Private Sub Class_initialize()
End Sub

  Private Sub Class_terminate()
  If isObject(Rs) then Set Rs=Nothing
End Sub

Public Property Let Errmsg(msg)
  If Er then
  End If
End Property

Public Property Let SetWebName(WebName_)
End Property

Public Property Let SetWebUrl(WebUrl_)
End Property

Public Property Let SetWebDes(webDes_)
End Property

Public Property Let SetInfoUrl(Infourl_)
End Property

Public Property Let SetPageType(PageType_)
End Property

Public Property Let SetMaxInfo(MaxInfo_)
End Property

Public Property Let setContentShow(ContentShow_)
  Dim ArrContentShow
  If Ubound(ArrContentShow)<>1 Then Er=True:Errmsg="信息显示参数设置有误!!"
  If Not isnumeric(ShowContentType) or ShowContentType="" Then ShowContentType=0
  If Not isnumeric(ShowContentLen) or ShowContentLen="" Then
  If ShowContentType=0  Then ShowContentLen=20 Else ShowContentLen=200
  If ShowContentType=0 and (ShowContentLen>100 or ShowContentLen<10) Then ShowContentLen=20
  End If
End Property

Public Property Set SetConn(Conn_)
  If TypeName(Conn_)="Connection"  Then
  Set Conn=Conn_
  Exit property
  End If
End Property

Public Property Let SetSql(sql_)
End Property

Public Property Get RssHead()
  RssHead="<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""gb2312"" ?> "
End Property

Private Property Get RssBottom()
End Property

Public Sub ShowRss()
  On Error resume Next
  Dim Rs
  Dim ShowInfoUrl,ShowContent,Content
  If TypeName(Conn)<>"Connection" Then Er=True:Errmsg="Connection对象有误"
  If Sql="" or isnull(Sql)="" or isempty(Sql)="" Then Er=True:Errmsg="没有可执行的Sql语句"
  If WebName="" or isnull(WebName)="" or isempty(WebName)="" Then Er=True:Errmsg="请设置RSS标题"
  If WebUrl="" or isnull(WebUrl)="" or isempty(WebUrl)="" Then Er=True:Errmsg="请设置网站的链接"
  If InfoUrl="" or isnull(InfoUrl)="" or isempty(InfoUrl)="" Then Er=True:Errmsg="请设置链接信息"
  If PageType="" or isnull(PageType)="" or isempty(PageType)="" Then Er=True:Errmsg="请设置链接类型"
  Set Rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
  Rs.Open Sql,Conn,1,1
  If Err Then
    Exit Sub
  End If
  Response.Charset = "gb2312"
  For i =1 to MaxInfo
    If ShowInfoUrl="" or isnull(ShowInfoUrl) or isempty(ShowInfoUrl) Then
    If PageType Then ShowInfoUrl=ShowInfoUrl&Rs(0) Else ShowInfoUrl=ShowInfoUrl&Rs(4)
    End If
    If ShowContentType=0 Then ShowContent=AllContentLen*ShowContent/100
    If Rs.Eof or i>cint(MaxInfo) Then Exit For
End Sub

Function LoseHtml(ContentStr)
  Dim ClsTempLoseStr,regEx
  ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
  Set regEx = New RegExp
  regEx.Pattern = "<\/*[^<>]*>"
  regEx.IgnoreCase = True
  regEx.Global = True
  ClsTempLoseStr = regEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
  LoseHtml = ClsTempLoseStr
End function

Function return_RFC822_Date(byVal myDate, byVal TimeZone)
  Dim myDay, myDays, myMonth, myYear
  Dim myHours, myMinutes, mySeconds
  myDate = CDate(myDate)
  myDay = EnWeekDayName(myDate)
  myDays = Right("00" & Day(myDate),2)
  myMonth = EnMonthName(myDate)
  myYear = Year(myDate)
  myHours = Right("00" & Hour(myDate),2)
  myMinutes = Right("00" & Minute(myDate),2)
  mySeconds = Right("00" & Second(myDate),2)
  return_RFC822_Date = myDay&", "& _
  myDays&" "& _
  myMonth&" "& _
  myYear&" "& _
  myHours&":"& _
  myMinutes&":"& _
  mySeconds&" "& _
  " " & TimeZone
End Function
Function EnWeekDayName(InputDate)
  Dim Result
  Select Case WeekDay(InputDate,1)
  Case 1:Result="Sun"
  Case 2:Result="Mon"
  Case 3:Result="Tue"
  Case 4:Result="Wed"
  Case 5:Result="Thu"
  Case 6:Result="Fri"
  Case 7:Result="Sat"
  End Select
  EnWeekDayName = Result
End Function

Function EnMonthName(InputDate)
  Dim Result
  Select Case Month(InputDate)
  Case 1:Result="Jan"
  Case 2:Result="Feb"
  Case 3:Result="Mar"
  Case 4:Result="Apr"
  Case 5:Result="May"
  Case 6:Result="Jun"
  Case 7:Result="Jul"
  Case 8:Result="Aug"
  Case 9:Result="Sep"
  Case 10:Result="Oct"
  Case 11:Result="Nov"
  Case 12:Result="Dec"
  End Select
  EnMonthName = Result
End Function

function titleb(str,strlen)
  Dim Bstrlen
  If isempty(str) or isnull(str) or str="" Then
  exit function
  dim l,t,c,i
  for i=1 to l
  if c>255 then
  end if
  if t>=bstrlen then
  exit for
  end if
  End If
end function

function byteLen(str)
  dim lenStr,lenTemp,i
  dim strTemp
  for i=1 to lenTemp
  if strTemp>255 or strTemp<=0 then
  end if
end function
End Class
Dim Rs,Newrss
Class Rss
'作者 : 飞飞
'网站 :
'QQ  :  276230416
'邮箱 :
'SetConn          必填      网站使用的Connection对象
'SetSql          必填      Sql查询语句。强烈建议使用在Sql语句中使用Top关键字
'        Sql语句中包含的字段[新闻Id,标题,内容,时间,静态页名称]
'                            注:不要颠倒顺序      
'                            如果新闻不是生成的静态页,则无最后一项,SetPageType的值则为1
'SetWebName      必填      网站名称          
'SetWebUrl        必填      网站的地址
'SetWebDes        非必填    网站的描述信息
'SetPageType      必填      信息显示页的链接类型 1 为动态页面Id  0为静态页面
'SetMaxInfo      非必填    强制显示信息的数目,若取数据>SetMaxInfo 则显示SetMaxInfo条数据。强烈建议使用在Sql语句中使用Top关键字
'setContentShow  非必填    信息简介设置。注意:该参数为数组(ShowContentType,ShowContentLen)
'                                    ShowContentType  [数字类型]    为内容显示方式[参数(0,1)0为按百分比就算显示信息,1为按字数]    
'                                    ShowContentLen  内容显示的长度 由ShowContentType 决定实际长度
'ShowRss  显示Rss
'Set NewRss=New Rss
' Set NewRss.SetConn=article_conn
' NewRss.SetSql="select top 30 newsid,title,content,dateandtime,N_fname from article where typeid=1 order by newsid Desc"
' NewRss.SetWebName="测试中"
' NewRss.SetWebUrl=""
' NewRss.SetMaxInfo=10
' NewRss.SetInfourl=""
' NewRss.SetPageType="0"
' NewRss.setContentShow="1,200"
' NewRss.ShowRss()
'Set NewRss=Nothing

Private Conn,Sql,WebName,WebUrl,WebDes,Er,MaxInfo,i,Infourl,PageType
Private ShowContentType,ShowContentLen
Private AllContent,AllContentLen

Private Sub Class_initialize()
End Sub

  Private Sub Class_terminate()
  If isObject(Rs) then Set Rs=Nothing
End Sub

Public Property Let Errmsg(msg)
  If Er then
  End If
End Property

Public Property Let SetWebName(WebName_)
End Property

Public Property Let SetWebUrl(WebUrl_)
End Property

Public Property Let SetWebDes(webDes_)
End Property

Public Property Let SetInfoUrl(Infourl_)
End Property

Public Property Let SetPageType(PageType_)
End Property

Public Property Let SetMaxInfo(MaxInfo_)
End Property

Public Property Let setContentShow(ContentShow_)
  Dim ArrContentShow
  If Ubound(ArrContentShow)<>1 Then Er=True:Errmsg="信息显示参数设置有误!!"
  If Not isnumeric(ShowContentType) or ShowContentType="" Then ShowContentType=0
  If Not isnumeric(ShowContentLen) or ShowContentLen="" Then
  If ShowContentType=0  Then ShowContentLen=20 Else ShowContentLen=200
  If ShowContentType=0 and (ShowContentLen>100 or ShowContentLen<10) Then ShowContentLen=20
  End If
End Property

Public Property Set SetConn(Conn_)
  If TypeName(Conn_)="Connection"  Then
  Set Conn=Conn_
  Exit property
  End If
End Property

Public Property Let SetSql(sql_)
End Property

Public Property Get RssHead()
  RssHead="<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""gb2312"" ?> "
End Property

Private Property Get RssBottom()
End Property

Public Sub ShowRss()
  On Error resume Next
  Dim Rs
  Dim ShowInfoUrl,ShowContent,Content
  If TypeName(Conn)<>"Connection" Then Er=True:Errmsg="Connection对象有误"
  If Sql="" or isnull(Sql)="" or isempty(Sql)="" Then Er=True:Errmsg="没有可执行的Sql语句"
  If WebName="" or isnull(WebName)="" or isempty(WebName)="" Then Er=True:Errmsg="请设置RSS标题"
  If WebUrl="" or isnull(WebUrl)="" or isempty(WebUrl)="" Then Er=True:Errmsg="请设置网站的链接"
  If InfoUrl="" or isnull(InfoUrl)="" or isempty(InfoUrl)="" Then Er=True:Errmsg="请设置链接信息"
  If PageType="" or isnull(PageType)="" or isempty(PageType)="" Then Er=True:Errmsg="请设置链接类型"
  Set Rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
  Rs.Open Sql,Conn,1,1
  If Err Then
    Errmsg="数据库未能打开<br />请检查您的Sql语句是否正确"
    Exit Sub
  End If
  Response.Charset = "gb2312"
  For i =1 to MaxInfo
    If ShowInfoUrl="" or isnull(ShowInfoUrl) or isempty(ShowInfoUrl) Then
    If PageType Then ShowInfoUrl=ShowInfoUrl&Rs(0) Else ShowInfoUrl=ShowInfoUrl&Rs(4)
    End If
    If ShowContentType=0 Then ShowContent=AllContentLen*ShowContent/100
    If Rs.Eof or i>cint(MaxInfo) Then Exit For
End Sub

Function LoseHtml(ContentStr)
  Dim ClsTempLoseStr,regEx
  ClsTempLoseStr = Cstr(ContentStr)
  Set regEx = New RegExp
  regEx.Pattern = "<\/*[^<>]*>"
  regEx.IgnoreCase = True
  regEx.Global = True
  ClsTempLoseStr = regEx.Replace(ClsTempLoseStr,"")
  LoseHtml = ClsTempLoseStr
End function

Function return_RFC822_Date(byVal myDate, byVal TimeZone)
  Dim myDay, myDays, myMonth, myYear
  Dim myHours, myMinutes, mySeconds
  myDate = CDate(myDate)
  myDay = EnWeekDayName(myDate)
  myDays = Right("00" & Day(myDate),2)
  myMonth = EnMonthName(myDate)
  myYear = Year(myDate)
  myHours = Right("00" & Hour(myDate),2)
  myMinutes = Right("00" & Minute(myDate),2)
  mySeconds = Right("00" & Second(myDate),2)
  return_RFC822_Date = myDay&", "& _
  myDays&" "& _
  myMonth&" "& _
  myYear&" "& _
  myHours&":"& _
  myMinutes&":"& _
  mySeconds&" "& _
  " " & TimeZone
End Function
Function EnWeekDayName(InputDate)
  Dim Result
  Select Case WeekDay(InputDate,1)
  Case 1:Result="Sun"
  Case 2:Result="Mon"
  Case 3:Result="Tue"
  Case 4:Result="Wed"
  Case 5:Result="Thu"
  Case 6:Result="Fri"
  Case 7:Result="Sat"
  End Select
  EnWeekDayName = Result
End Function

Function EnMonthName(InputDate)
  Dim Result
  Select Case Month(InputDate)
  Case 1:Result="Jan"
  Case 2:Result="Feb"
  Case 3:Result="Mar"
  Case 4:Result="Apr"
  Case 5:Result="May"
  Case 6:Result="Jun"
  Case 7:Result="Jul"
  Case 8:Result="Aug"
  Case 9:Result="Sep"
  Case 10:Result="Oct"
  Case 11:Result="Nov"
  Case 12:Result="Dec"
  End Select
  EnMonthName = Result
End Function

function titleb(str,strlen)
  Dim Bstrlen
  If isempty(str) or isnull(str) or str="" Then
  exit function
  dim l,t,c,i
  for i=1 to l
  if c>255 then
  end if
  if t>=bstrlen then
  exit for
  end if
  End If
end function

function byteLen(str)
  dim lenStr,lenTemp,i
  dim strTemp
  for i=1 to lenTemp
  if strTemp>255 or strTemp<=0 then
  end if
end function
End Class

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