", ">") fString = replace(fString, " ") fString = Replace(fString, CHR(10), " ") HTMLcode = fStringend ifend Function '********************************************************************************************** '函数名称: GetTrueLength(strChinese, lenMaxWord, strSpaceBar)'函数功能: 截取正确的英文/汉字长度'参数说明: strChinese 为被检测字符串' lenMaxWord 为限制的字符长度' strSpaceBar 为要过滤(去掉)的字符'返回 值 : 格式化的字符串(注:一个中文两个字符。)'********************************************************************************************** Function GetTrueLength(strChinese, lenMaxWord, strSpaceBar)dim i, j, strTail, lenTotal, lenWord, lenNowdim strWord, bOverFlow, RetStringif strChinese = "" or vartype(strChinese) = vbNull or CLng(lenMaxWord) 127 thenlenTotal = lenTotal + 2elselenTotal = lenTotal + 1end ifnext'判断字符是否溢出if lenTotal > lenMaxWord then bOverFlow = TruestrSpaceBar = ""if bOverFlow = True then'字符溢出,去尾lenWord = 0RetString = ""for i=1 to Len(strChinese)strWord = mid(strChinese, i, 1)if asc(strWord) 127 then lenNow = 2 else lenNow = 1lenWord = lenWord + lenNow'截掉多余部分if lenWord 0 then for j =1 to lenMaxWord-lenWord strSpaceBar = strSpaceBar + " " next end if GetTrueLength = RetString exit forend ifnextelse'字符不溢出,填充空位RetString = strChineseif (lenMaxWord-lenTotal)>0 then for i =1 to lenMaxWord-lenTotal strSpaceBar = strSpaceBar + " " nextend if GetTrueLength = RetString ''''''''''& strSpaceBarend ifend function,Bullcn'Blog - 分享、交流、进步。" /> 创建文件夹 - Bullcn'Blog


'作  用:创建文件夹
'参  数:path ----------要创建的文件夹(路径)
function BuildFolder(path)
Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set fso=Nothing
End Function
'作  用:创建文件
'参  数:Htmlcode ------要创建的文件信息
'参  数:filex ----------要创建的文件名(路径)
function Buildfile(filex,Htmlcode)
Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set html = fso.CreateTextFile(Server.MapPath(filex))
        html.WriteLine Htmlcode
    Set html=Nothing
    Set fso=Nothing
End Function
'作  用:修改文件
'参  数:file_body ------要创建的文件信息
'参  数:file_name ------要创建的文件名(路径)
'参  数:Cset -----------定义要创建的文件编码
Function Savefile(file_body,file_name,Cset)
Set OS=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
        OS.Charset = Cset
        OS.SaveToFile Server.MapPath(file_name),2
Set OS=Nothing
End Function

'作  用:删除文件夹
'参  数:FolderPath ------要删除的文件夹路径
Function DelFolder(FolderPath)
    dim path
    Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set DeleteFolder = FSO.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(path))
    Set fso=Nothing
    Response.Write("<script language=""Javascript"">alert(""文件夹已删除"");history.go(-1);</script>")
End Function
'作  用:检索文件是否存在
'参  数:FilePath ------要检索的文件路径
Function ChkFile(FilePath)
    dim path
    Set fso=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If fso.FileExists(path) then
    End IF
    Set fso=Nothing
End Function

'作  用:删除文件
'参  数:FilePath ------要删除的文件的路径
Function DelFile(FilePath)
dim path
Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set File= FSO.GetFile(path)'第二种方法
    Set fso=Nothing
End Function

function GetVariable(strVariableName)
    if IsEmpty(Request(strVariableName)) then
        exit Function
    end if
end function

function GetFormVariable(strVariableName)
    if IsEmpty(Request.Form(strVariableName)) then
        exit Function
    end if
end function
function GetQueryString(strVariableName)
    if IsEmpty(Request.QueryString(strVariableName)) then
        exit Function
    end if
end function


'函数名称: HTMLcode(fString)
'函数功能: 过滤表单的特殊字符
'参数说明: fString          要操作的字符串      
'返回值  : 格式化的字符串
Function HTMLcode(fString)
if not isnull(fString) then
    fString = replace(fString, ">", ">")
    fString = replace(fString, "<", "<")
    fString = Replace(fString, CHR(32), " ")
    fString = Replace(fString, CHR(9), " ")
    fString = Replace(fString, CHR(34), """)
    fString = Replace(fString, CHR(39), "'")
    fString = Replace(fString, CHR(13), "")
    fString = Replace(fString, CHR(10) & CHR(10), "</P><P> ")
    fString = Replace(fString, CHR(10), "<BR> ")
    HTMLcode = fString
end if
end Function

'函数名称: GetTrueLength(strChinese, lenMaxWord, strSpaceBar)
'函数功能: 截取正确的英文/汉字长度
'参数说明: strChinese 为被检测字符串
'           lenMaxWord 为限制的字符长度
'         strSpaceBar 为要过滤(去掉)的字符
'返回 值 : 格式化的字符串(注:一个中文两个字符。)
Function GetTrueLength(strChinese, lenMaxWord, strSpaceBar)
dim i, j, strTail, lenTotal, lenWord, lenNow
dim strWord, bOverFlow, RetString
if strChinese = "" or vartype(strChinese) = vbNull or CLng(lenMaxWord) <= 0 then
GetTrueLength = ""
exit function
end if
strTail = "..."        '标题截取后的表示,如“…”
bOverFlow = False
lenTotal = 0
for i=1 to Len(strChinese)
strWord = mid(strChinese, i, 1)
if asc(strWord) < 0 or asc(strWord) > 127 then
lenTotal = lenTotal + 2
lenTotal = lenTotal + 1
end if
if lenTotal > lenMaxWord then bOverFlow = True
strSpaceBar = ""
if bOverFlow = True then
lenWord = 0
RetString = ""
for i=1 to Len(strChinese)
strWord = mid(strChinese, i, 1)
if asc(strWord) < 0 or asc(strWord) > 127 then lenNow = 2 else lenNow = 1
lenWord = lenWord + lenNow
if lenWord <= (lenMaxWord - Len(strTail)) then
    RetString = RetString + strWord
    RetString = RetString + strTail
    lenWord = lenWord + Len(strTail) - lenNow
    if (lenMaxWord-lenWord)>0 then
        for j =1 to lenMaxWord-lenWord
        strSpaceBar = strSpaceBar + " "
    end if
    GetTrueLength = RetString
    exit for
end if
RetString = strChinese
if (lenMaxWord-lenTotal)>0 then
    for i =1 to lenMaxWord-lenTotal
        strSpaceBar = strSpaceBar + " "
end if
    GetTrueLength = RetString ''''''''''& strSpaceBar
end if
end function

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