,Bullcn'Blog - 分享、交流、进步。" /> [转]asp版图形验证码,可自定义点阵信息,支持字符扭曲、倾斜、倾斜 - Bullcn'Blog


Class CAMXAM_COM_RndCodeBmp
Private TextDataLib,TextData,BmpData,BmpHead,BmpWidth,BmpHeight,BmpSize,TextDataLength,SessionString
Public SessionName,TextLength,BackColor,TextColor,YawpColor,YawpCount

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
End Sub

Public Function SetTextInfo(TextString)
    ReDim TextDataLib(0)
    TextDataLib(0) = TextString
End Function

Public Function AddTextData(TextDataString)
    TextDataLength = UBound(TextDataLib) + 1
    ReDim Preserve TextDataLib(TextDataLength)
    TextDataLib(TextDataLength) = TextDataString
End Function

Private Function Getbinary(IntNumber)
    Dim IntBin0,IntBin1,IntBin2,IntBin0_,IntBin1_,IntBin2_
    IntBin0 = Int(IntNumber / 16777216)
    IntBin0_= IntNumber Mod 16777216
    IntBin1 = Int(IntBin0_ / 65536)
    IntBin1_= IntBin0_ Mod 65536
    IntBin2 = Int(IntBin1_ / 256)
    IntBin2_= IntBin1_ Mod 256
    Getbinary = ChrB(IntBin2_) & ChrB(IntBin2) & ChrB(IntBin1) & ChrB(IntBin0)
End Function

Private Function GetColadRstring(ColadRstring)
    Dim ColorArray,CALength
    ColorArray = Split(ColadRstring,",")
    CALength = UBound(ColorArray)
    GetColadRstring = ColorArray(GetRnd(0,CALength))
End Function

Private Function GetRnd(LowNumber,UpNumber)
    Randomize Timer
    GetRnd = Int((UpNumber - LowNumber + 1) * Rnd + LowNumber)
End Function

Private Function FileHeader()
    Response.Expires = -1
    Response.AddHeader "Pragma","no-cache"
    Response.AddHeader "cache-ctrol","no-cache"
    Response.ContentType = "Image/BMP"
End Function

Private Function SetBmpHead(BmpSize,Width,Height)
    BmpHead = ChrB(66) & ChrB(77)
    BmpHead = BmpHead & Getbinary(BmpSize+54)
    BmpHead = BmpHead & Getbinary(0)
    BmpHead = BmpHead & Getbinary(54)
    BmpHead = BmpHead & Getbinary(40)
    BmpHead = BmpHead & Getbinary(Width)
    BmpHead = BmpHead & Getbinary(Height)
    BmpHead = BmpHead & ChrB(1) & ChrB(0)
    BmpHead = BmpHead & ChrB(24) & ChrB(0)
    BmpHead = BmpHead & Getbinary(0)
    BmpHead = BmpHead & Getbinary(BmpSize)
    BmpHead = BmpHead & Getbinary(65536)
    BmpHead = BmpHead & Getbinary(65536)
    BmpHead = BmpHead & Getbinary(16777216)
    BmpHead = BmpHead & Getbinary(16777216)
End Function

Private Function GetRndTextData()
    ReDim TextData(TextLength-1)
    Dim IText
    For IText = 0 To TextLength-1 Step +1
        TextData(IText) = GetColadRstring(BackColor) & " " & GetColadRstring(TextColor) & " " & ChangeShape(TextDataLib(GetRnd(1,TextDataLength)))
        SessionString = SessionString & GetTextData(IText)(4)
End Function

Private Function GetTextData(IText)
    Dim TextArray,ArrayLength,ITextData
    TextArray = Split(TextData(IText)," ")
    ArrayLength = UBound(TextArray)
    Dim TextDataArray(5)
    TextDataArray(0) = TextArray(0)
    TextDataArray(1) = TextArray(1)
    TextDataArray(2) = Len(TextArray(3))
    TextDataArray(3) = ArrayLength - 2
    TextDataArray(4) = TextArray(2)
    For ITextData = 3 To ArrayLength Step +1
        TextDataArray(5) = TextDataArray(5) & " " & TextArray(ITextData)
    GetTextData = TextDataArray
End Function

Private Function GetColor(ColadRstring)
    GetColor = ChrB("&H" & Mid(ColadRstring,6,2)) & ChrB("&H" & Mid(ColadRstring,4,2)) & ChrB("&H" & Mid(ColadRstring,2,2))
End Function

Private Function BmpColor(ColorA,ColorB)
    Dim BmpColor_(1)
    BmpColor_(0) = GetColor(ColorA)
    BmpColor_(1) = GetColor(ColorB)
    BmpColor = BmpColor_
End Function

Private Function SetBmpData()
    Dim TextInfo,FontData,I,J,K
    TextInfo = GetTextData(0)
    BmpHeight = TextInfo(3)
    BmpWidth = TextInfo(2) * TextLength
    BmpSize = BmpHeight * BmpWidth * 3
    For I = BmpHeight To 1 Step -1
        For J = 0 To TextLength -1 Step +1
            TextInfo = GetTextData(J)
            FontData = Split(TextInfo(5)," ")(I)
            For K = 1 To TextInfo(2) Step +1
                If GetRnd(1,99) < YawpCount Then
                    BmpData = BmpData & GetColor(GetColadRstring(YawpColor))
                    BmpData = BmpData & BmpColor(TextInfo(0),TextInfo(1))(Mid(FontData,K,1))
                End If
End Function

Public Function Write()
    SetBmpHead BmpSize,BmpWidth,BmpHeight
    Response.BinaryWrite BmpHead
    Response.BinaryWrite BmpData
    Session(SessionName) = SessionString
End Function

Public Function ChangeShape(psString)
    Randomize Timer
    sTemp =Split(psString, " ")
    Dim nMaxWidth, nMaxHeight : nMaxWidth =16 : nMaxHeight =20
    Dim nWidth, nHeight : nWidth =Len(sTemp(1)) : nHeight =ubound(sTemp)
    Dim nTemp, nTemp1, sTemp, sReturn, nTopStart, nCurLeft, nAspect
    nTopStart =Int((nHeight - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
    nAspect =Int((2 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
    nCurLeft =1
    Dim sFilter
    sFilter ="aJLkKfFbdDhTBpP6eQ7"
    If Instr(sFilter, sTemp(0)) =0 Then
        For nTemp =nTopStart To ubound(sTemp)
            If nCurLeft >7 Then
                nCurLeft =5
                For nTemp1 =nTemp to ubound(sTemp)
                    If nCurLeft <1 Then Exit For
                    sTemp(nTemp1) =Fill("0", int(nCurLeft /2) ) & sTemp(nTemp1)
                    nCurLeft =nCurLeft -1
                Exit For
            End If
            sTemp(nTemp) =Fill("0", int(nCurLeft /2) ) & sTemp(nTemp)
            nCurLeft =nCurLeft +1
        For nTemp =1 to ubound(sTemp)
            If nAspect =1 Then
                sTemp(nTemp) =Fill("0", int(nCurLeft /2) ) & sTemp(nTemp)
                sTemp(nTemp) =sTemp(nTemp) & Fill("0", int(nCurLeft /2) )
                If Len(sTemp(nTemp)) <nMaxWidth Then sTemp(nTemp) =Fill("0", nMaxWidth - Len(sTemp(nTemp))) & sTemp(nTemp)
            End If
            nCurLeft =nCurLeft +1

    End If

    For nTemp =1 to ubound(sTemp)
        If Len(sTemp(nTemp)) <nMaxWidth Then sTemp(nTemp) =sTemp(nTemp) & Fill("0", nMaxWidth - Len(sTemp(nTemp)))
        If sReturn <>"" Then sReturn =sReturn &" "
        sReturn =sReturn & sTemp(nTemp)

    nTopStart =Int(((nMaxHeight -nHeight) - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
    For nTemp =1 to nTopStart
        sReturn =Fill("0", nMaxWidth) &" "& sReturn
    For nTemp =0 to (nMaxHeight -nHeight -nTopStart) -1
        sReturn =sReturn &" "& Fill("0", nMaxWidth)

    ChangeShape =sTemp(0) &" "& sReturn

End Function

Public Function Fill(psChar, pnWidth)
    Dim nTemp, sTemp
    For nTemp =1 To pnWidth
        sTemp =sTemp & psChar
    Fill =sTemp
End Function

End Class

Dim Bmp
Set Bmp = New CAMXAM_COM_RndCodeBmp
Bmp.SetTextInfo "点阵来源黑睿工作室"
Bmp.AddTextData "2 00111100 01111110 11100111 11000011 00000011 00000011 00000110 00001100 00011000 00110000 01100000 11111111 11111111"
Bmp.AddTextData "3 00111000 01111110 11000110 00000110 00000110 00011100 00011110 00000011 00000011 11000011 11000011 01111110 00111100"
Bmp.AddTextData "4 000001100 000011100 000011100 000111100 001101100 001101100 011001100 110001100 111111111 111111111 000001100 000001100 000001100"
Bmp.AddTextData "5 01111110 01111110 01100000 11000000 11011100 11111110 11000011 00000011 00000011 11000011 11000011 01111110 00111100"
Bmp.AddTextData "6 00111100 01111110 01100011 11000000 11000000 11011100 11111110 11100011 11000011 11000011 01100011 01111110 00111100"
Bmp.AddTextData "7 11111111 11111111 00000010 00000110 00001100 00001100 00011000 00011000 00011000 00011000 00110000 00110000 00110000"
Bmp.AddTextData "8 00111100 01111110 11000011 11000011 11000011 01111110 01111110 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 01111110 00111100"
Bmp.AddTextData "A 0011110000 0000110000 0001111000 0001111000 0011001100 0011001100 0011111100 0110000110 0110000110 1111001111"
Bmp.AddTextData "b 11000000 11000000 11000000 11011100 11111110 11100111 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11100111 11111110 11011100"
Bmp.AddTextData "B 11111110 01100011 01100011 01100011 01111110 01100011 01100011 01100011 01100011 11111110"
Bmp.AddTextData "c 0011110 0111111 1110011 1100000 1100000 1100000 1100000 1110011 0111111 0011110"
Bmp.AddTextData "C 00111111 01100111 11000011 11000011 11000000 11000000 11000000 11000000 01100011 00111110"
Bmp.AddTextData "d 00000011 00000011 00000011 00111011 01111111 11100111 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11100111 01111111 00111011"
Bmp.AddTextData "e 00111100 01111110 11100110 11000011 11111111 11111111 11000000 11100011 01111110 00111100"
Bmp.AddTextData "E 11111111 01100011 01100000 01101100 01111100 01101100 01100000 01100000 01100011 11111111"
Bmp.AddTextData "f 0001111 0011111 0011000 0011000 0011000 1111110 1111110 0011000 0011000 0011000 0011000 0011000 0011000 0011000 0111000"
Bmp.AddTextData "F 11111111 01100011 01100000 01101100 01111100 01101100 01100000 01100000 01100000 01100000"
Bmp.AddTextData "G 001111110 011001110 110000110 110000110 110000000 110011111 110000110 110000110 011000110 001111100"
Bmp.AddTextData "h 11000000 11000000 11000000 11011110 11111111 11100011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011"
Bmp.AddTextData "H 1111001111 0110000110 0110000110 0110000110 0111111110 0110000110 0110000110 0110000110 0110000110 1111001111"
Bmp.AddTextData "J 000111111 000001100 000001100 000001100 000001100 000001100 000001100 110001100 110001100 011111000"
Bmp.AddTextData "k 11000000 11000000 11000000 11000111 11001110 11011100 11110000 11111000 11011000 11001100 11001100 11000110 11000111"
Bmp.AddTextData "K 111111110 011001100 011011000 011011000 011110000 011110000 011011000 011001100 011000110 111100111"
Bmp.AddTextData "L 11111000 01100000 01100000 01100000 01100000 01100000 01100000 01100000 01100011 11111111"
Bmp.AddTextData "m 110111001110 111111011111 111001110011 110001100011 110001100011 110001100011 110001100011 110001100011 110001100011 110001100011"
Bmp.AddTextData "M 1110000111 0110000110 0111001110 0111001110 0111111110 0111111110 0110110110 0110110110 0110000110 1111001111"
Bmp.AddTextData "n 11011110 11111111 11100011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011"
Bmp.AddTextData "N 1110011111 0110000110 0111000110 0111100110 0111100110 0110110110 0110011110 0110011110 0110001110 1111100110"
Bmp.AddTextData "p 11011100 11111110 11100111 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11100111 11111110 11011100 11000000 11000000 11000000 11000000"
Bmp.AddTextData "P 11111110 01100011 01100011 01100011 01100011 01111110 01100000 01100000 01100000 01100000"
Bmp.AddTextData "R 111111100 011000110 011000110 011000110 011000110 011111100 011011000 011001100 011000110 111100111"
Bmp.AddTextData "s 01111110 11111110 11000000 11100000 01111100 00011110 00000011 10000011 11111111 01111100"
Bmp.AddTextData "S 01111111 11000111 11000011 11000000 01111000 00001110 00000011 11000011 11100011 11111110"
Bmp.AddTextData "t 00110000 00110000 11111111 11111111 00110000 00110000 00110000 00110000 00110000 00110000 00111111 00011111"
Bmp.AddTextData "T 11111111 10011001 00011000 00011000 00011000 00011000 00011000 00011000 00011000 00011000"
Bmp.AddTextData "u 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000011 11000111 11111111 01111011"
Bmp.AddTextData "U 1111001111 0110000110 0110000110 0110000110 0110000110 0110000110 0110000110 0110000110 0111001110 0001111000"
Bmp.AddTextData "v 110000011 011000011 011000110 011000110 001100110 001100100 000110100 000111100 000111000 000011000"
Bmp.AddTextData "V 1111001111 0110000110 0110000110 0011001100 0011001100 0011001100 0001111000 0001111000 0000110000 0000110000"
Bmp.AddTextData "w 11000000001 11000110011 11001110011 01001010010 01001010010 01101011010 01110011110 01110001110 00110001100 00110001100"
Bmp.AddTextData "W 1110000111 1100000011 1100110011 1100110011 0111111110 0111111110 0111111110 0011001100 0011001100 0011001100"
Bmp.AddTextData "x 111000011 011000110 001101100 001111100 000111000 000111000 001111100 001001100 011000110 110000111"
Bmp.AddTextData "X 1111001111 0110000110 0011001100 0001111000 0000110000 0000110000 0001111000 0011001100 0110000110 1111001111"
Bmp.AddTextData "y 1100000011 0110000010 0110000110 0011000100 0011001100 0001101000 0001111000 0001111000 0000110000 0000110000 0001100000 0111100000 0111000000"
Bmp.AddTextData "Y 1111001111 0110000110 0011001100 0011001100 0001111000 0000110000 0000110000 0000110000 0000110000 0000110000"
Bmp.AddTextData "z 11111111 11111111 00000011 00000110 00001100 00011000 00110000 01100000 11111111 11111111"
Bmp.AddTextData "Z 11111111 11000011 00000110 00001100 00011000 00011000 00110000 01100000 11000011 11111111"

Bmp.SessionName = "verifycode" '验证码用Session名称
Bmp.TextLength = 4'验证码长度
Bmp.BackColor = "#FFFFFF"'背景颜色,多个颜色用"," 分隔
Bmp.TextColor = "#FF0000,#FF9900,#33CCFF,#99CC00,#FF99FF,#9933FF,#0099FF" '文字颜色,多个颜色用"," 分
Bmp.YawpColor = Bmp.TextColor '噪波点颜色,多个颜色使用"," 分隔
Bmp.YawpCount = 2    '噪波点比例 0-100

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