
dim nname,topic,hidden,tim
  sql="select count(id) from news where c_id="&cid&" and hidden=1"
  set rs=joekoe_cms.exec(sql,1)

  call format_pagecute()
  sql="select top "&nummer*viewpage&" id,topic,tim from news where c_id="&cid&" and hidden=1 order by id desc"
  call joekoe_cms.exec("",-1)
  rs.open sql,conn,1,1
  if int(viewpage)>1 then rs.move (viewpage-1)*nummer
  if int(viewpage*nummer)>int(rssum) then nums=nummer-(viewpage*nummer-rssum)

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="1003">
   <td width="484" height="447">
   <iframe src='news_view.asp?id=<%
   if trim(request.querystring("id"))="" then
   response.write tid
   response.write id
   end if
%>'  frameborder=0 width='483' height='447' marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 vspace=0 hspace=0 allowtransparency=true scrolling=off></iframe>

    <td><img src="/images/<%=timg%>" width="34" height="447" border="0" usemap="#Map"></td>
   <td width="485" height="447" bgcolor='#6B6A74'  valign='top'>

<table width='100%'>
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width='100%'>

<tr><td class=btd> 新闻列表</td></tr>

  for i=1 to nums

<% if (i-1) mod col_num=0 then %>
<table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 width='100%'>
<tr align=left>
end if
<td><%response.write img_skin("h_news1")%><a href='?c_id=<%=cid%>&id=<%=id%>'><font alt='<%response.write joekoe_cms.code_html(topic,1,0)%>'><%response.write joekoe_cms.code_html(topic,1,32)%></font></a></td>
  if i mod col_num=0 then
<% end if

<% if not tr_ture then %>
<% end if %>

<tr height=26><td> 共有<font class=red><%response.write rssum%></font>个新闻 <%=tid%>页次:<font class=red><%response.write viewpage&"</font>/<font class=red>"&thepages%></font> 分页:<% response.write jk_pagecute(nummer,thepages,viewpage,pageurl,5,"#ff0000") %></td></tr>


[本日志由 cmscn 于 2009-09-25 05:56 PM 编辑]
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