仿 3.0 的论坛样式!




引用内容 引用内容

sub forum_istops()
  if var_null(application(joekoe_cms.web_cookies&"_forum_istops_state"))<>"" then
    exit sub
  end if
  sql="select id,forum_id,username,topic,tcolor,tbb,icon,tim,istop,isgood,isvote,counter,re_counter,re_username,re_tim,vote_num from bbs_topic where istop=2 order by re_tim desc"
  call joekoe_cms.exec("",-1)
  rs.open sql,conn,1,1
  if not rs.eof then
  end if
end sub

引用内容 引用内容

function forum_get_istop(ttdim)
  if not isarray(ttdim) then
    exit function
  end if
  dim ttnum,tbb,topic,temp1
  for i=0 to ttnum
    if ttdim(5,i)=false then
    end if
    if ttdim(10,i) then
    end if
  erase ttdim
end function

引用内容 引用内容

sub forum_list_istop()
  if not(isnumeric(page)) then page=1
  if int(page)>1 or action="manage" then exit sub
  dim istop_true,forum_istop_var
  if application(joekoe_cms.web_cookies&"_forum_istops_state")="yes" or var_null(forum_istop_var)<>"" then istop_true=true
  if instr(application(joekoe_cms.web_cookies&"_forum_istop_state"),","&forumid&",")=0 or var_null(application(joekoe_cms.web_cookies&"_forum_istop_state_"&forumid))="" or var_null(forum_istop_var)="" then
    sql="select id,forum_id,username,topic,tcolor,tbb,icon,tim,istop,isgood,isvote,counter,re_counter,re_username,re_tim,vote_num from bbs_topic where forum_id="&forumid&" and istop=1 order by re_tim desc"
    call joekoe_cms.exec(sql,-1)
    rs.open sql,conn,1,1
    if not rs.eof then
    end if
  end if
  if istop_true then response.write vbcrlf&forum_list_istop_top()
  if application(joekoe_cms.web_cookies&"_forum_istops_state")="yes" then response.write application(joekoe_cms.web_cookies&"_forum_istops")
  if var_null(forum_istop_var)<>"" then  response.write forum_istop_var
  if istop_true then
    response.write vbcrlf&forum_list_istop_end()
    call web_branch(0)
  end if
end sub

引用内容 引用内容

'Record 修改段落↓ 修改过
function forum_list_istop_top()
  dim temp1
temp1=temp1&vbcrlf&"<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 class=table1>" & _
              vbcrlf&"<tr align=center>" & _
              vbcrlf&"<td width=25 class=td1>图</td>" & _
              vbcrlf&"<td width=25 class=td1>例</td>" & _
              vbcrlf&"<td width=* class=td1>主题</td>" & _
              vbcrlf&"<td width=80 class=td1>发布人</td>" & _
              vbcrlf&"<td width=40 class=td1>回复</td>" & _
              vbcrlf&"<td width=40 class=td1>浏览</td>" & _
              vbcrlf&"<td width=160 class=td1>最后回复信息</td>" & _
end function

'Record 修改段落↓ 修改过
function forum_list_body_istop(l_id,l_forum_id,l_username,l_topic,l_tcolor,l_tbb,l_icon,l_tim,l_istop,l_isgood,l_isvote,l_counter,l_re_counter,l_re_username,l_re_tim,l_vote_num)
  dim temp1,l_istop_var,new_win,folder_istop,topic_head,topic_color,topic_bb
...........省略 头换成你的

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'Record 修改段落↓ 修改过
function forum_list_top(l_nummer)
  dim temp1
  if page="1" then
  temp1=temp1&vbcrlf&"<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 class=table2>"
  end if
  if action="manage" then temp1=temp1&vbcrlf&"<form name=del_frm action='forum_isaction.asp' method=get>"
end function

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