
①在dim ndim,nnum,cname,sname,ntit1,ntit2后面定义n_data_name②找到  <td width=10></td>
  <td><a href='?nsort=<%response.write nsort%>&action=list' alt='在您发现<%response.write tit_fir%>排序等发生不正常时请点击,可进行有效的修覆'>重新排序</a></td>在其下面添加:

引用内容 引用内容

<td width=10></td>
  <td><a href='?jk_mod=data&nsort=<%response.write nsort%>'<%if jk_mod="data" then response.write " class=red"%>><%response.write ntit%>数据合并</a></td>

③找到select case action
case "up","down"
  call joekoe_chk_order()

引用内容 引用内容

select case jk_mod
  case "data"
    call joekoe_chk_data()
  case else

在sub joekoe_chk_js()上面添加:

引用内容 引用内容

sub joekoe_chk_data()
<table border=0>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center height=30><b><%response.write ntit%>数据合并</b> (表:<%response.write n_data_name%>)</td></tr>
  dim csid1,csid2,cid1,sid1,cid2,sid2
  if chk() then
    if data_cs_nd(csid1,1)=false or data_cs_nd(csid2,2)=false then
      call admin_error("请选择 "&ntit&"!")
      response.write vbcrlf&"</table>"
      exit sub
    end if
    call data_cid_sid(csid1)
    call data_cid_sid(csid2)
    sql="update "&n_data_name&" set c_id="&cid2&",s_id="&sid2&" where c_id="&cid1
    if int(sid1)>0 then sql=sql&" and s_id="&sid1
    call joekoe_cms.exec(sql,0)
    call admin_msg("已成功编辑了合并"&ntit&"数据!","?jk_mod="&jk_mod&"&nsort="&nsort,1)
    response.write vbcrlf&"</table>"
    exit sub
  end if
  call form_first()
<form action='?jk_mod=<%response.write jk_mod%>&nsort=<%response.write nsort%>' method=post>
<input type=hidden name=chk value='yes'>
<td>从<%response.write tit_fir%>:</td>
<td ><%call joekoe_chk_data_select(1)%></td>
<td>转换到<%response.write tit_fir%>:</td>
<td><%call joekoe_chk_data_select(2)%></td>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center height=30><input type=submit value='进行<%response.write ntit%>数据合并' onclick="javascript:return click_return('合并当前选择的<%response.write ntit%>数据',0);"></td></tr>
end sub

sub data_cid_sid(dcsid)
  if isnumeric(dcsid) then
  end if
end sub

function data_cs_nd(dc_var,dc_num)
  dim csnd
  if len(dc_var)<1 then
    exit function
  end if
  if csnd="yes" then
    if isnumeric(dc_var) then
      exit function
    end if
  end if
end function

sub joekoe_chk_data_select(cc_var)
  dim sql2,rs2,sql3,rs3,csnd,now_id,n_id
  response.write "<select name=c_id"&cc_var&" size=1>"
  sql3="select c_id,c_name from jk_class where nsort='"&nsort&"' order by c_order,c_id"
  set rs3=joekoe_cms.exec(sql3,1)
  do while not rs3.eof
    response.write vbcrlf&"<option value='"&n_id&"' class=bg_2>"&rs3(1)&"</option>"
    sql2="select s_id,s_name from jk_sort where c_id="&n_id&" order by s_order,s_id"
    set rs2=joekoe_cms.exec(sql2,1)
    do while not rs2.eof
      response.write vbcrlf&"<option value='"&n_id&"_"&now_id&"'> "&rs2(1)&"</option>"
    set rs2=nothing
  set rs3=nothing
  response.write "</select><input type=hidden name=csnd"&cc_var&" value='"&csnd&"'>"&redx&"如有二级分类,请选择一个二级分类"
end sub


引用内容 引用内容

sub joekoe_chk_dim()
  dim tmpsort
  sql="select m_nsort,m_tit_fir,m_data_name from admin_menu where m_is_master=1 and m_is_nsort=1"
  if jk_mod="batch" then
    sql=sql&" and (m_on_power=1 or m_on_emoney=1)"
  end if
  sql=sql&" order by m_id"
  call joekoe_cms.exec("",-1)
  rs.open sql,conn,1,1
  if not rs.eof then
    redim ndim(2,nnum)
    for i=1 to nnum+1
      if tmpsort=ndim(0,i-1) then
      end if
    if nsort="" then
    end if
  end if
end sub


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